Bill H.R. 5816– just introduced into the House of Representatives– seeks to halt the dramatic overreach of all government and non-governmental groups (like theatre groups! stores!) who feel like they
Nutritionist, Herbalist, Health Coach
Bill H.R. 5816– just introduced into the House of Representatives– seeks to halt the dramatic overreach of all government and non-governmental groups (like theatre groups! stores!) who feel like they
Food fraud is widespread, especially with olive oils and avocado oil. Dr. Mercola stated recently that some brands may be 100% fake. (That’s pretty high deception!) I reached out to
Best Restaurants List in Fort Collins, Colorado, from a local food expert!
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This Homeopathic Guide to Cold and Flu Care list many cold and flu symptoms according to many different homeopathic remedies. Learn to take care of colds and flus at home. Circle any symptoms
How to use homeopathy for first aid (1st aid) in this digital download at home, while hiking, camping, boating, hunting, and any other time you are away from normal care.
Watch Out for Strange Ingredients! Canola Oil vegetable oil, originally Rapeseed Oil from Canada, has been promoted extensively as a healthy alternative to other fats. But is it a healthy
Taste test of Carrot Goldfish Crackers, and an evaluation of the ingredients, which include Canola Oil. How Canola Oil is processed, and is this a health food?
I wanted to talk with you about strategies to help yourself be healthy right now using common foods, nutrition and vitamins. I don’t sell any of these, and you can