Colds and Flus Care Homeopathy Chart/Guide – Physical Product, Digital Download

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The four laminated sheets in this Homeopathic Guide to Cold and Flu Care Chart/Guide list many cold and flu symptoms according to sixteen different homeopathic remedies. The goal here is to help families with children/kids and adults with home health care during the common colds and flu season.

A remedy that causes headaches during testing in a healthy person, may help alleviate headaches when someone has one. The goal in homeopathy is to match the symptoms seen in the ill person with the remedies symptoms seen during each remedy’s testing period (called proving). The motto is “Like Cures Like.” See “How to Use” just next:

Click here to buy the instant Digital Download this Homeopathic Guide to Cold and Flu Care Chart/Guide:

Cold and Flu Care Homeopathy Chart/Guide, Instant Digital Download

These four sheets in the Homeopathic Colds and Flus Chart list many cold and flu symptoms according to sixteen different homeopathic cold and flu remedies. Using a pencil, circle any…

Click here to buy four printed and laminated sheets (the physical product) of this Homeopathic Guide to Cold and Flu Care Chart/Guide:

Colds and Flus Homeopathy Chart/Guide, Four Laminated 11×17” Sheets, Physical Product

$7.00 (shipping)
Total: $46.99

How to Use These Homeopathic Cold and Flu Care Charts/Guides:

Using write-on, wipe-off markers, circle any symptoms that match your kid’s or adult’s symptoms under these categories: onset speed, strange/rare/peculiar symptoms, eyes, nose, cough, sneezing, mood, and other. The “Other” heading includes things like time of day when the person may feel worst, mood changes, temperature preferences. Some people feel cold but want to drink cold water or have the window open – this seems contrary and can help point the chart user to a remedy. Others may have a cough that gets better while lying down at night (unusual), have symptoms come on super quickly or symptoms come on after standing in cold dry wind, or feel restless or grumpy. These unusual differences in colds and flu symptoms may help point you to a remedy choice. Then see which remedy row has the most circles at the end of circling everything that applies, and try that remedy on the right side in its homeopathic form (only).

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Here is sample text from one corner of one sheet.

These four homeopathy chart sheets are one-sided, laminated in plastic, and each measure 11” by 17” inches. These cover 16 remedies (listed below). You can circle the symptoms with brand name write-on, wipe-off markers. Afterwards, users can spray the plastic sheets with whiteboard cleaner, and wipe it clean. This will work for a while, until the plastic degrades.

If you would like to buy a digital download of this Colds and Flus Care Homeopathy Chart/Guide, for use right away, please click one these links right now: Buy On This Site (with credit card or PayPal) On Etsy

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This Homeopathic Guide to Cold and Flu Care chart or guide include instant digital downloads or a physical product: four plastic laminated sheets that can be circled with write-on/wipe-off markers.

This homeopathic chart set of four sheets include homeopathic illness symptoms for many homeopathic cold and flu remedies, including these:

  • Calcarea carbonica
  • Belladonna
  • Ferrum metallicum
  • Gelsemium sempervirens
  • Influenzium
  • Nux vomica
  • Pulsatilla
  • Aconitum
  • Bryonia
  • Allium cepa
  • Arsenicum album
  • Euphrasia
  • Nat mur
  • Hepar sulphuris
  • Kali bichromium
  • Oscillococcinum

Caution: ONLY use these remedies in their HOMEOPATHIC form (= super diluted until there is no substance still detectable in the bottle). Some of these would be toxic or fatal if you took them in their natural form. Use the ones that are sold at health food stores or provided by professional homeopaths (find a list here). Examples of homeopathic brands include B&T, Boiron, Hyland, Washington Homeopathic Products, Inc., and 1-800-Homeopathy. Here is a photo of several homeopathic remedy brands~

These are samples of homeopathy products, bottles and brands.

Click here to buy the instant Digital Download of the Homeopathic Cold and Flu Home Health Care Chart:

Cold and Flu Care Homeopathy Chart/Guide, Instant Digital Download

These four sheets in the Homeopathic Colds and Flus Chart list many cold and flu symptoms according to sixteen different homeopathic cold and flu remedies. Using a pencil, circle any…

Click here to buy the physical product, four printed and laminated sheets of the Homeopathic Cold and Flu Home Health Care Chart:

Colds and Flus Homeopathy Chart/Guide, Four Laminated 11×17” Sheets, Physical Product

$7.00 (shipping)
Total: $46.99

Please share this homeopathic cold and flu care chart/guide with your health-minded friends, using the buttons below, or this link:

Check out my online course, Raising Your Immunity Through Herbs, Nutrition and Lifestyle Methods. The same Immune System online course is also at here. I hope to make many more in the coming months, and have them here on my own website, plus at Teachable and Udemy platforms.

Would you like to talk with me about your own health journey? Just Contact Me here~ the info is on this page. I am starting to see clients for acute (short term) homeopathy conditions, in addition to nutrition, lifestyle coaching, herbalism.

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Disclaimer: The FDA has not evaluated any of these statements seen on the Transform Health LLC website, online store, products, emails, social media, online courses and more. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure, or prevent any disease. Any information provided here is intended for educational purposes only. If the medical situation is serious, go immediately to the hospital or nearest doctor for care. Take special precautions with babies and toddlers, fever and dehydration.

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