Dairy List of Hidden Dairy in Foods

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I LOVE eating out! And yet, it can be really hard to have dairy allergy (or dairy intolerance) and try to eat out at restaurants. Dairy is hidden under other names in the restaurant menu. I created this list to help you KNOW what is in the food you are eating, so that you can avoid food allergy problems. You can add this digital downloadable list to add to your phone, and have with you all the time.

For instance, these menu words contain dairy in them, and could trigger you, but you might not ever know it:

  • Bisque
  • Ganache
  • Chevre
  • Burrata


Includes a Table of Contents at the top, with bookmarks throughout for easier navigation.

This list has different cuisines (British, French, Italian, East Indian), and also categories like chocolate, sauces, desserts, cakes, appetizers. There are so many words about FOOD, and sometimes dairy is lurking back there. But I’ve got your back with this handy, digital download list.

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Dairy Foods List: Downloadable PDF Shows You Where Dairy Hides in Foods

I have a new product for anyone with **Dairy allergy** or **intolerance**: Here is my digital downloadable PDF list of all the **hidden food names** where dairy lurks in foods.…

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