Transform Health Health Information Focus on These Five Things Right Now for Health & Happiness, Security

Focus on These Five Things Right Now for Health & Happiness, Security

Here are some ideas that we need to focus on right now for health, happiness, freedom from worry, food security and independence. (or how to avoid supply chain issues, pretend problems, port management that forgot how things work, ships stuck offshore, gasoline price hikes, and other soap opera plots):

  • Food – connect with local farmers, esp. at the local Weston A. Price chapter online. They have a list of food producers there. Or start growing your own food. I just found out that some of the beans and lentils we have bought for food can be sprouted by soaking in water for 3-7 days (not the split ones). It is conceivable that odd shortages and trouble getting things may continue.
  • Trade: if you can, buy “junk silver” or gold for trading. Or join a barter association to trade skills. Some are international or have ties to those. We could create a local currency of goods (nails, eggs, shoes) and services.
  • School: Create our own system outside of this one that has gone off the rails. (all respect to teachers & staff trying SO HARD)
  • Water: 100 gallons of water, filtration system for unclean water from rivers and ponds, save rain water off the roof for at least washing.
  • Medical: Independent health system and resources away from hospitals and all these rules.

This excellent list came from Leslie Manoogian at the Please donate to their work and on-going lawsuits that are helping to keep us free. Their group is the one that got the travel mask mandate lifted for all of us. And they list their other lawsuits at the bottom of their website home page. Check it out.

Donate here:

She talks about how we are under all these acronym organizations, that are really under the President’s Executive Branch: CDC, IRS, HHS, HSA, TSA (only recently put under gov’t, before under plane companies), NSA, CIA, and countless others. Remember, the Executive branch is not supposed to be making laws. It’s Congress that is meant to create laws – laws that we propose, discuss, and VOTE to adopt or not. None of that happens with these many, many organizations that think they are in charge of us.

Leslie Manoogian talks about this being a post-Constitutional state. No one approved all these alphabet organizations, nor any of their regulations.

I’ll try to post more soon and link to her excellent latest speech.

Others, like the World Economic Forum (WEF), and WHO (World Health Organization) aren’t even within our own American government, and now they are also making rules for us. Read here about the WHO’s creating COVID rules to overrule all nation’s sovereignty on the planet.

If you liked this post, consider reading What is a Private Membership Association (or PMA), for your own and others’ health, happiness and security. And check out my home health care homeopathy charts for Cold and Flu Care or basic First Aid health care. (Digital Downloads or Physical Products)

And find my Free video and audio podcasts here, on many, many different channels. I focus on how to cook new menu items, antibiotic recovery, author interviews, herbal medicine, nutrition, health and wellness, and more!

If you would like help with your own personal health journey, please contact me here.

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