French Lessons title page, beginning French lesson, audio only, for everyone and the blind and sight-impaired. Covers greetings, yes, no, dog, cat, to have, avoir, pronouns. French flag in top right. Black text over orange yellow background.

French Language Audio Lesson 1

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Half Way Down.

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• At Start: Greetings, Useful Words
• 7 Minutes In: The Verb “To Have”)”
• 14 Minutes In: Review All

older senior man dancing with headphones on
Creative Commons Image: pexels-andrea-piacquadio-3831187

I haven’t learned how to code these two buttons yet.

Young African-American woman sitting by the window, looking right, with headphones on and a Mac ;aptop in lap. Her shirt is black and white horizontal stripes.
Creative Commons Image: pexels-christina-morillo-1181368
This is an audio-only French course for people with sign problems, blindness, or anyone who prefers it. Recorded by Diana Sproul of Transform Health.

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