From Russia With Love? A World-wide Spiritual Evolution Begins (Anastasia and The Ringing Cedars Book Series)

In the Siberian “taiga” (Russian woods) lives a spiritual mystic named Anastasia. She lives there in a glade alone with her son, and with only her grandfather and great-grandfather nearby. With her incredible mental abilities, she blesses people far away with her “Ray of Love”; she reads peoples thoughts and sends them ideas. She accesses the knowledge of all eternity from either lying in the eternal database of her small lake’s “memory”, or communicating spiritually with her long-ago foremother who dedicated herself to humanity. She blesses the founding of little weekend farms called “dachas” and farming families called “dachniks.” She describes a different way of life on small farms with perennial plants, not trying to accumulate wealth, but trying to create a “Space of Love” for one’s children and grandchildren, while living intergenerationally. She describes how a baby can be given all known knowledge through breastfeeding, and letting it explore the world all day.

I’m talking about the book Anastasia, and others from the ten book The Ringing Cedars series. When I started reading, I thought this tale began a century or two ago. But The Ringing Cedars’ author, Vladimir Megré first visited Anastasia in the taiga in 1995.

This book has tie-ins with psychic predictions made in the 1910’s-1940’s by a Southern American trance channeler named Edgar Cayce. In 1932 and 1933, Edgar Cayce prophesised that Russia would hold the hope for the spiritual world, and also counseled to beware of propaganda against Russia and other countries.

Listen to my Anastasia– and Ringing Cedars book series– inspired song here

8. (A) On Russia’s religious development will come the greater hope of the world. Then that one, or group, that is the closer in its relationships, may fare the better in the gradual changes and final settlement of conditions as to the rule of the world. (3976-10) [bold added]

11. (Q) Give the outstanding events in Russia through 1938.
(A) These should be presented rather after there have been those changes in that to be presented, from that already given; that out of Russia, you see, there may come that which may be the basis of a more world-wide religious thought or trend – see? (3976-12) [bold added]

25. (Q) What will be the religious development of the Churches in the U.S. in the next 4 years?
(A) That depends upon the activities of too many individuals for this to be prognosticated at the present time; for changes are coming, this may be sure – an EVOLUTION, or REVOLUTION, in the ideas of religious thought. The BASIS of it for the world will eventually come out of Russia; not Communism, no but rather that which is the BASIS of the same, as the Christ taught – HIS kind of communism!(452-6)
[Evolution from Nonmedical Resource Glossary online ( “…as a development and progression back to the source.”]

Here is the warning against believing propaganda:
6. It is self-evident that there will be the attempt to use a great deal of propaganda as regarding conditions in France, Italy, Germany, Russia…” (1152-11) [bold added]

Having now read four of the books, I feel enlightened, and hopeful, as if God is closer than before, and we will change our actions toward a brighter future. From repeated questions, Anastasia always answers, “I am Man, I am a woman.” [Man meaning mankind here] This means that everyone can have health, happiness and access these abilities, too. Cayce counseled that everyone has the ability to be psychic through development and meditation.

Anastasia dreams big ideas, like the small farmsteads or a worldwide holiday^, for the health and good of mankind, and they come to pass. These help people grow healthier food, and people are happier living together with less stress. Apparently even reading the book inspires people to change their lives for the better, create poetry, music and songs (and I am no exception! Listen to my Anastasia– and Ringing Cedars book series– inspired song here.). Positive images are set in motion attached to her thoughts, the book series, words and letters. Cayce is often quoted, “Mind is the builder, physical is the result.” (**Index 197-1) This is a beautiful instance of someone using this method to help mankind.

She talks a lot about raising children in a “Space of Love”, a small farmstead owned over many generations, in a different manner than today. “…According to the Grand Creator’s design [plants] strive to do all within their power, all that they can, to meet Man’s needs…But plants have been granted yet another function which is no less important. Plants which come into direct contact with an individual Man create for him a Space of true Love. The kind of Love without which life for the human race would be impossible…All together plants can create for Man a significant Space of Love which enhances the soul and makes the body whole.” (Book 2, p.37)

She says that all children are born geniuses, and that our childrearing and education methods dumbs them down. In fact, the children raised with her people are nursed by their mothers, but also fed and mainly cared for by the animals around them, who are are thrilled to do it, to feel the love of mankind shining on them. Animals feed Anastasia. [I’d like to know how that came about…]

This makes me question the Bible’s account of people leaving Paradise – did we voluntarily choose to leave it, or just become further from God, instead of being forced out? It makes more sense that God, as an ever-loving parent, would not have wanted us to “leave.”

Listen to my Anastasia– and Ringing Cedars book series– inspired song here

Cedars That “Ring”:
The Siberian cedar has healing powers through their living goodness, wood, and pine nut products, according to the series. Cedars are holy trees, mentioned over 170 times in the Bible, especially in reference to Solomon’s temple materials, and again with the great temple of Jerusalem. (1 Kings 5:5-9, and 6:14-18)

1 Kings 6:14-15 “14 So Solomon built the house, and finished it. 15 And he built the walls of the house within with boards of cedar, both the floor of the house, and the walls of the ceiling: and he covered them on the inside with wood…”

1 Kings 5:5-6 Solomon:“And, behold, I purpose to build an house unto the name of the LORD my God…6 Now therefore command thou that they hew me cedar trees out of Lebanon…”

The first book explains that cedar trees absorb God’s love or goodness, or positive energy from the universe/heavens for many years. When they reach an age of five centuries, they reflect out that goodness back into the community where they grow, helping people feel happier. If there are no people nearby, the cedar starts to “ring” with a tone, and visible light is seen pulsing out of its crown. The author witnessed this in person.

This ringing helps call people to come and harvest the tree; the wearing of a piece of this type of cedar is reputed to greatly extend one’s life, and help one remain healthy. Having cedars growing in a city also freshens the air, trades carbon dioxide for oxygen, and provides antibacterial properties, in addition to happiness and blessings. (If you plant Siberian cedars locally, shelter them from wind with oaks, and plant in clusters instead of rows.)

Cedar Oil in Readings:
Cayce mentioned “oil of cedar” or “oil of cedar wood” in numerous readings as part of healing formulas to be used internally, externally, and as incense for meditation. [Texts: 135-1, 162-2, 264-13, 275-18, 275-39 (incense with hyssop), 298-1, 303-12, 327-2, 319-1, more] He also predicted that humans would begin to live longer lives.

This is one health food product that won’t be exploited by the greedy. The book says the pine nuts should only be gathered by people, or better, children, with good intent and positive thoughts. Only oil from these pine nuts will be healing. Another suggests harvesting only from cones that fall naturally (as an offering from the tree). The cost for pine nut oil is quite high, but will benefit poor Russian in the Siberian woods.

Positive Mental Attitudes:
Anastasia agrees with Cayce that one’s mental attitude plays a factor in health:

Positive emotions, a variety of plants and a reappraisal of one’s essence and purpose in life – all these are capable not only of counteracting diseases, but also of significantly enhancing one’s physical and mental or emotional state.

And again: “Pure, clear moments of life, positive emotions, like guardian angels, will overcome pain and disease.” (Book 2, The Ringing Cedars of Russia, page 28 & 29)

Produce Plants Create Individual Benefits:
Fruits and vegetables can be grown more easily, and be custom-tailored to cure an individual’s illnesses. This is how, according to the first book: we tell the plant about our state of health by holding the seeds in our mouth before planting, and later washing our feet with water that is put on the plants. Plants that are cared for lovingly (touching, talking), without fertilizer nor pesticides, in marginal land worse than Russian industrial farms, actually produce bigger, fuller and more vitamin-rich plants. Russian homegrown food yields much more than all their factory farms combined, with less resources: 93% potatoes, 80% vegetables, and 81% fruit and berries. This is enough to the become the main industry there. Fertilizer can interfere with the plants’ self regulation and burn roots.(Book 5, Who Are We?, page 21, footnote)

The author witnessed apple orchards, sheltered by oaks and cedars, that were planted 150 years ago on a crumbled estate. They were bent double with heavy apples, with no sign of worms, and without any care from humans. They had survived a freezing winter through the sheltering trees’ protection, even when fruit trees in the village had died. They were still offering their best!

And the Earth feels our touch and efforts in our gardening without machines, and appreciates our growing food ourselves, and beautifying our yards.

I hope you will enjoy this book series as much as I have. It really has inspired deeper thinking about our lifestyle, God, how we care for the Earth, pray, grow food, raise children, and much more.

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About the Author:

Diana Sproul is a nutritionist, herbalist, health coach and 2nd year homeopathic student with Transform Health, in Colorado. Her interest in health naturally extends to natural food production, spirituality, and healthy environments. She has podcasts, videos and a course online. Read more at www.TransformHealth.Biz.   Listen to Diana’s Anastasia– and Ringing Cedars book series– inspired song here

Bible citations: King James online version;+1-kings+6;+1-kings+7;+1-kings+8;+1-kings+9

^ The worldwide holiday is July 23rd annually, the author’s birthday. It was first called Gardeners’ Day in Russia, but may be called Dachnik’s day later. It is celebrated in the USA.

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