Nutrition May Modify Chronic Health

We all know the Hippocrates quote about food being our medicine. He was a big fan of nutrition. Less well known is the Savarin quote ”Tell me what you eat, and I’ll tell you who you are.” Like a car, the body can’t run without the correct raw materials. Plentiful vitamins and minerals taken daily may help our bodies heal themselves.

Dr. Terry Wahls proved this when she started supplements, and later whole foods, for really bad Multiple Sclerosis.

Contact me now to schedule: email, phone: (970) 988-5413. We can meet in person or via HIPPA-approved video calls.

This new menu and lifestyle changes helped turn around Dr. Wahls’ serious Multiple Sclerosis symptoms. She still has MS, but it is in a way different presentation now. She is working on her health for many hours per day, including riding a bike to work, adding special foods, and detoxing daily. But she has gone from being in a lying down wheelchair all day, everyday, to walking, riding a bike with family, and working again. This is now her health treatment, so she can’t skip a day or quit.

healthy, nutritious lunch: wild salmon for high omega 3, cauliflower, black olives, healthy fish oil. This is a paleo lunch sample.
Wild salmon has great fish oil, and is high in Omega 3’s! Also included: cauliflower puree (recipes on this site), black olives.

Nutrition Misinformation is Rampant!

It is very confusing knowing what to eat to get those building blocks of nutrition. That’s where I come in– I can educate you about food: how to eat for whatever goal that you have.

You’ll know that organ meats are better than chicken breast meat. You’ll know that dairy and eggs from animals raised in sunshine, eating grass and bugs, has more Omega 3 in it, which can help lower inflammation. You’ll know that wild salmon and fish is much, much better than farmed fish, because the latter is fed a diet that may raise inflammation in you!

You’ll know how to shift your likelihood for being in an inflammatory state. You’ll know that enjoying full fat desserts actually helps slow down the sugar rushing into the bloodstream, and that’s good for us.

Nutrition Goal Setting

And then I will help connect you with your own goals for yourself. Why do you want to be healthier? Is it to have more energy, attend a grown child’s wedding, go hiking across Spain? Or simply avoid our parents’ health problems?

I have heard the complaint from clients that client they know what to do, but are having trouble wanting to eat a healthier, nutritious menu. (But given all the misinformation out there, I can tell you that my method of eating, with healthy fats and good tasting foods, are much more fun.)

Whatever your goals are, they are valid. And I’d like to help you get there.

If you would like a custom health plan for your health issues, please contact me via this email or call me at (970) 988-5413. I have offices in northern Colorado, and can see clients in the United States nationwide via phone.

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Check out my herbal products available for sale here.

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