Happy Earth Day – Save Green by Going Green

On this Earth Day, you can save money paying extra utility costs, while helping the planet at the same time. It’s a win-win! I’ve put together some resources to help my neighbors, local Fort Collins residents, save green while going green. (Please share with your friends – they like saving cash, too!)

This Energy Star website lists many different appliance, water heater and heating system (including geothermal) rebates that are available. Just put in your zip code, and you’ll be on your way.

And there are more local rebates at the Fort Collins Utilities website that include lighting, solar power rebates, and water bill rebates for dry-plant installation in gardens. The solar rebate is 30% of the total costs with installation!! The low-water planting program (called xeriscaping) can credit your bill 75 cents per square foot of lawn converted to either low-water plants or hardscape (cement, rocks, patio, etc.). There are even audits for sprinkler systems, which apparently are the leading water need at our homes (I thought it was long showers!) I had my system checked last year, and they found a sprinkler head leak. (That explains the lush green patch – oops!)

Want to know how green is your home? You can schedule a home efficiency audit here, at the Fort Collins Utilities website. The website says that this service is normally $400, but only $60 now.

If you enjoyed this article about green home energy efficiency conversions, please share it with your friends, using the social media buttons below. And let me know what you think in the comments below.

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