Transform Health Health and Wellness Information,Health Information,Preventative Health Information Healing Beyond Western Medicine: Past Life Regression, Cell Energy, and Negative Energy in Health

Healing Beyond Western Medicine: Past Life Regression, Cell Energy, and Negative Energy in Health

healthy smiling woman looks right, caucasian woman, upbeat woman, changing energy of cells or person or emotions to create health, clearing energy for improved health

Who would think that a person’s illness or other problems may not be related to germs, viruses, and other physical problems that could be cured by a Western doctor? The problem may lie in energy changes or weaknesses, past life energy that is stuck to you, or other people’s energy, according to these experts. Let’s explore the world of shamanic and energy healing today.

I attended an online lecture by psychotherapist Dr. Linda Backman called “How to Heal Through Past Life Exploration.” She suggests that we look to energy from past lives when trying to find healing, and that some physical and medical problems may be  a residual trauma from past life.(1) Reliving the past life and somehow moving through it can apparently heal the issue.

Dr. Backman says that autoimmune issues and autism may be from a past life where we were physically harmed, OR from not allowing one true self to be seen and known, the real you.

As crazy as this sounds, other past life regeressionists, really hypnotherapists, say the same. Two others include Georgina Cannon (based in Toronto, Canada, interview on the Gaia network) and the similarly named Delores Cannon. (Both have many YouTube videos online. See Georgina Cannon’s videos here, and past life & life contract books written. Here is Delores Cannon’s website.)

Georgina also talks about the importance of “life between lives” – the life back in the spiritual world, both before and after our earth-bound lives. We plan our next life, parents, spouses, kids and life challenges then, she claims.

Illness From Lower Cellular Energy
One program on Gaia claimed that illnesses are caused by a lack of energy in the cells. Cancer was given as an example of this. This doctor had many clinics where she used cold lasers of various frequencies as a healing tool.

I then met a local woman who uses laser therapy, and she agreed that lasers can raise the energy of cells. She marketed cold lasers for home use in healing.

Healing Through Hands On Healing (Barbara Brennan Method)
Practitioners of Barbara Brennan’s Hands On Healing practice correcting energy imbalances in problem areas. Some can feel or even see problems in the energy fields outside the body, which might be called the aura or energy body (forgive me if this is wrong, I am not trained in this modality). As I heard from other energy healing workers, correcting the energetic body’s blueprint can effect changes in the physical body. How? I don’t know. It’s been explained that its a pattern.

Ill Health From Bad Energy From Sources Outside of You
The craziest thing I heard was that we might somehow get stuck with negative energy from other people, or maybe even other entities like ghosts. This can make it hard to heal the illness, since negative energy from other people isn’t even our own energy. Healing is possible, however as we learn how to clear energy. Strengthening our own energy field with sleep, good foods and meditation can keep out other undesirable energy.

So these are just a few things to ponder. If you would like guidance on your journey toward better health, please Contact Me through this page, or by calling 970-988-5413.

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1 – Dr. Linda Backman, online webinar, Nov. 18, 2017, How to Heal Through Past Life Exploration

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