Transform Health Health and Wellness Information,Health Information,Healthy Lifestyle Choices Information,Preventative Health Information EMF Health Dangers of 3G, 4G, 5G Cell Service, EMF & Wifi: Is Our Tech Killing Us?

EMF Health Dangers of 3G, 4G, 5G Cell Service, EMF & Wifi: Is Our Tech Killing Us?

I am hearing more and more health problems about 3G-5G cell service, EMF radiation, wifi and all forms of other internet and cell service. I have not written about it yet, because I usually like to write when I have all the facts and full understanding myself. However, I feel like it is worth helping to educate everyone before the we get to the verdict, because it may takes years, and affect our health in the meantime. The latest is that these radiation waves may be affecting bees, all of us but especially small humans (children=larger dose), all animals, and more. And that the city of Fort Collins has already deployed 5G on Harmony and College, and Denver has it all over.

I’m presenting this info as a resource so YOU can read up or listen to videos, and see what you think about the health dangers for yourself. Here are website and links to become informed.

I heard about this at the Sunrise Ranch Healers’ Symposium (where I also presented, Jan. 2020). Presenter Heidi Golding (Living Wellness Health Group and used to work in the cell phone business, and quoted these sources as research starting points:

The Schuman Resonance for Health

My own materials presented at the Sunrise Ranch Healers’ Symposium showed that we are healthier with the high oxygen environments of trees (lower cancer in animal cell studies), and we are better off with being able to feel the Earth’s natural beat called the Schumann Resonance, which has long slow waves at 7.83 Hz usually. (It’s been much higher lately for unknown reasons.) The waves travel between the ground and the upper atmosphere called the ionosphere. Here’s a Schumann Resonance video to understand it better.

The Schumann Resonance is so important that mouse brains’ pressure are pegged to this beat, and astronauts on the International Space Station had to create a fake beat to mimic the Schumann Resonance to keep astronauts sane. Before this two of them stopped answering any calls from Earth for unknown reasons.

But I didn’t have enough hard data to understand the true dangers of 5G (and even 3G and 4G before that). The 5G technologies have radiation at 24Ghz, that’s 24,000 waves per second, very short, and potentially anxiety causing. It was studied as a weapon to scatter crowds, according to the Golding lecture in the first paragraph.

5G’s high frequency short wavelengths have to be repeated very often from multiple directions – every 100 meters, according to the 5G Space Appeal website information. Space satellites will broadcast laser-like beams toward all creatures on the earth and the cell towers. The radiation is higher than currently permitted towers – “tens to hundreds of times more powerful than the levels permitted for current base stations.” Does that sound good?

Then there was a worldwide peaceful protest against 5G cell service just last Saturday, January 25th, 2020, via Two hundred and fifty six events were held in 36 countries. There is another planned for April 25th & 26th (2020) worldwide. See this Facebook page, which was for the Jan. 25th 2020 rally. — The word was spread in part by the Weston Price Foundation, which is greatly concerned with intergenerational human health and reproduction.

Then I contacted someone from the Boulder, Colorado, rally, to get some information. (It was closest to me.) I asked for some hard facts. Virginia Farver sent me this email, which has alarming info about bees and many other surprising information in it.

I have personally noticed the absolute silence in our city yards, and been alarmed by it. Even with flowers, there are hardly any bees. I thought it was our English-manor-like lawns creating bee “food deserts.”

Marconi’s Early Radio Waves Killed Off 90% Bees in 1906

“On the Isle of Wight, off the southern coast of England, Giuglielmo Marconi built the world’s first permanent radio station. And the bees’ first warning to humanity was heard. “They are often to be seen crawling up grass stems, or up the supports of the hive, where they remain until they fall back to the earth from sheer weakness, and soon afterwards die,” wrote Augustus Imms of Christ’s College, Cambridge in 1906. Ninety percent of the bees had already vanished from the entire island. Unable to find a cause, he called it, simply, Isle of Wight disease. Swarms of healthy bees were imported from the mainland, but it was of no use: within a week the fresh bees were dying off by the thousands.” (Virginia Farver email)

““Wake up!” said parents with their children who assembled last Saturday at the Church…on the Isle of Wight to protest plans to turn their island into a Smart Island…” (Virginia Farver email)

“The description, more than a century later, is exactly the same. On November 19, 2019, a 5G antenna was placed 250 meters from Angela’s house in Melbourne, Australia. “I photographed the new mast going onto the cell tower,” she writes, “and the next day, I was in the driveway talking to our carpenter, and we saw bees dropping on the driveway then dying. I managed to film one trying to collect pollen, but it was hanging upside down and could not seem to make it to the centre of the flower, then it rolled off the petals to the ground.” (Virginia Farver email)

Today, two months later, their beautiful garden, full of old world trees and plants, is silent and barren. “We have no insects — none,” wrote Angela last week.” Her unpollinated fruit trees are barren. There aren’t any ground insects, nor worms, either. (Virginia Farver email)

Research from India: Cell Phones Cause Bee Deaths

“In the midst of plenty the bees are starving to death. In 2009, Neelima Kumar, at Panjab University in India, placed cell phones in some bee hives and turned them on for ten minutes. The concentrations of glucose, cholesterol, total carbohydrates, total lipids and total proteins rose precipitously in the bees’ blood. After just ten minutes’ exposure to a cell phone, the bees were not able to digest their food, or use the oxygen they were breathing. Their metabolism had come to a standstill. (Virginia Farver email)

[I wonder here – does the same thing happen in humans? I have trouble digesting my own food… and it seems so many people around me do, too. The article link at the end from Childrens Health Defense states that EMF’s stop DNA repair, and cause chronic illnesss and fatigue.]

The Pollinators movie describes that there aren’t enough domestic bees for crop fertilization, so imported bees (raised as livestock) are trucked around the country to take care of enormous orchards and mono-crops. The beekeeping company heads told us that they are having to work very hard to keep those domestic bees going yearly, even replacing the queens yearly, when they used to do it every three years.

It explains that the bee hives (think 40-120+ hives on a smile trailer) could be brought to an orchard to pollinate almond or apple groves, only to be killed off by spraying at a farm neighbor just next door. Not even farmers are coordinately their spraying schedules. The film really lets you know what’s going on with three problems: food, viruses, and parasites.

Book: An Electronic Silent Spring

The Boulder anti-5G rally contact told me about this book An Electronic Silent Spring by Katie Singer (website). From their website: “An Electronic Silent Spring focuses on how mobile phones and Wi-Fi affect children and how wireless technologies can interfere with medical implants like insulin pumps, cardiac pacemakers and deep brain stimulators.” (Virginia Farver email)

Katie Singer’s An Electronic Silent Spring also offers an extensive solutions section for policy makers, telecom and utility companies, schools, civic groups and individuals who want emf solutions and protection for emf.” (Virginia Farver email)

42,000 New 5G Space Satellites Being Launched Right Now

“SpaceX already has permission from the Federal Communications Commission to litter our night skies with 12,000 satellites, has applied for an incredible total of 42,000, and is now launching them, 60 at a time, twice a month, indefinitely into the future, unless someone puts a stop to it. If they are all launched, they will far outnumber the approximately 9,000 visible stars, and will be brighter than all but 172 of them.” (Virginia Farver email)

“This act of global vandalism threatens to put an end to astronomy, and to ruin the night sky forever for all of humanity, for migratory birds that orient themselves by the stars…” (Source Virginia Farver email) — I would add to that insects like moths and Monarch butterflies and other migratory animals.

Sign the 5G Space Appeal to Stop 42K Satellites Going Up

There is an appeal to stop this program to increase radiation of all of us here at 5G Space Appeal. Here is a quote from the appeal info: “

Despite widespread denial, the evidence that radio frequency (RF) radiation is harmful to life is already overwhelming. The accumulated clinical evidence of sick and injured human beings, experimental evidence of damage to DNA, cells and organ systems in a wide variety of plants and animals, and epidemiological evidence that the major diseases of modern civilization—cancer, heart disease and diabetes—are in large part caused by electromagnetic pollution, forms a literature base of well over 10,000 peer-reviewed studies.” (Source)

“If the telecommunications industry’s plans for 5G come to fruition, no person, no animal, no bird, no insect and no plant on Earth will be able to avoid exposure, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to levels of RF radiation that are tens to hundreds of times greater than what exists today, without any possibility of escape anywhere on the planet. These 5G plans threaten to provoke serious, irreversible effects on humans and permanent damage to all of the Earth’s ecosystems.” (Source)

Effects in children include autism,[28] attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)[29][30] and asthma.[31] (Source)

“5G will result in a massive increase in inescapable, involuntary exposure to wireless radiation” (Source: 5G Space Appeal)

The 5G Space Appeal website has links to scientific studies on radiation effects on children, insects, trees, animals and so much more.

This 5G Space Appeal source says that the satellites will be completely visible to humans on earth, obscuring star constellations with their brightness.

Radio waves are poison to life. They penetrate skin and bones, cell walls and mitochondria**. They prevent electrons from our food from combining with the oxygen we breathe. They give us diabetes, and heart disease, and cancer. They disorient migratory birds, and they kill outright tiny forms of life that pollinate flowers and have high rates of metabolism. (Not from the 5G Space Appeal. Source: Virginia Farver email)

**Dr. Terry Wahls had MS, and wrote the book Minding Your Mitochondria, a tiny virus-like part inside each of our cells (1-1000’s, as I understand it) that help us make all cell energy. See also The Wahls Protocol book, website, courses. (In the article link at the end, the Children’s Health Defense state that EMF can harm DNA, stop its repair, cause chronic illness and fatigue. All of these are related to chronic MS.)

The short take-away – don’t mess with anything that helps us create energy on a cellular level.

Dr. Ronald Melnick discusses EMF and 5G health risks in this video.

“The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electronics and Life” Out March 2nd

From the author, Arthur Firstenberg’s, info: “I wrote this book in order to tell a history that has never been told before…what it is that we have been sending through wires and broadcasting through the air without a thought; what it is that we are holding in our hands, giving to our children to play with, and pressing against our heads. I wrote it to describe to a world in peril what life was once like, and what it could be like again — if we wake up in time.” (Source Virginia Farver email) (book available from, and major online booksellers)

UPDATE: There is another article from Children’s Health Defense, where you can read more about EMF danger to health.

There are some health modalities that can help counteract EMF radiation, so if you would like help, please come see me.

That’s all I have for now – I could not wait any longer before at least sharing information and links, and letting you make the judgement call yourself whether to go on as we have been, or making changes to benefit our health.

Would you like help with your own health journey? Just Contact Me at this webpage.

And check out my online course, Raising Your Immunity Through Herbs, Nutrition and Lifestyle Methods. I also have ebooks available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Thanks!

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