Transform Health Health and Wellness Information,Health Information,Healthy Lifestyle Choices Info,Preventative Health Information Herbal Teas, Gifts, Pickles, Kimchee, and Salsa at the Fort Collins’ Winter Farmers’ Market 2020

Herbal Teas, Gifts, Pickles, Kimchee, and Salsa at the Fort Collins’ Winter Farmers’ Market 2020

Diana of Transform Health in Fort Collins at Holistic Fair booth, business banner in background, nutritionist Fort Collins Colorado, energy medicine Fort Collins Colorado, Recollective Healing energy medicine Fort Collins Colorado, energy medicine Fort Collins Colorado

Come see us at the Fort Collins Winter Farmers’ Markets!

We’ll be giving out tea samples this Winter that just happen to be antibacterial and antiviral, along with many other fine qualities. I will have single herbs for sale, along with two mixtures called I’m Sick Herbal Tea and Soothing Herbal Mixture.

I’m Sick Tea for Colds and Flus. herbal tea for colds and flus for sale in Fort Collins Colorado, antibacterial herbal tea fort collins Colorado, antiviral herbal tea Fort Collins Colorado
I’m Sick Herbal Formula, a tea for colds and flu season!! This one has Elderberry in it, which gives it a tart taste.
organic herbal teas by Diana at Transform Health a Fort Collins herbalist, chamomile tea in a bag for sale, catnip herbal tea for sale, herbal tea tins for sale in Fort Collins, herbalist Fort Collins Colorado, custom herbs, custom herbal formulation, custom herbal mixtures, nutritionist Fort Collins Colorado, energy medicine Fort Collins Colorado
Organic herbal teas for sale in Fort Collins, at the Winter Farmers Market.

My mom will be selling her homemade kimchee (also spelled kimchi), a spicy Korean cabbage and radish seasoned with chilies. But this isn’t your typical just-screaming-hot pickle – it has a very nice sour taste and a flavor that changes over 10-15 seconds. The sour flavor is not vinegar, it’s beneficial lactic acid made by the fermentation process!! This is a live-culture fermented food! Come try some! Great with eggs and udon noodles! (Did I mention that we lived in Los Angeles’ Koreatown when I was growing up?? Ask me about mandu)

korean spicy cabbage pickle, kimchee photo, kimchi photo, fermented food photo

We will also have fresh tomatillo salsa, a fresh cole slaw with olives, pickled red and white onions (separate), and more!

fresh green tomatillo salsa at the Fort Collins Winter Farmers Market in at the Transform Health booth, fresh homemade salsa for sale
Fresh green Tomatillo Salsa for sale

Location – Winter Farmers’ Market, Fort Collins, Colorado:

The Winter Farmers’ Market takes place at the Opera Galleria on College Ave. (map link) for all of the 2020 dates through April.

Here are the scheduled market dates:

Most dates are Saturdays from 9am-1pm. Dates in December are 9am-2pm to help holiday shoppers. The dates seem to be the 2nd & 3rd weekends. You could add the dates to your calendar from the FoCo Market website, Fort Collins, CO. Or see my Transform Health Facebook page under the tab “Events.”

  • February 8th & 22nd – at Opera Galleria
  • March 14th & 28th – at Opera Galleria
  • April 11th – at Opera Galleria
    (then we think about Summer outdoor markets!)

I hope to see you on Saturday, at the Fort Collins, Colorado, Winter Farmers’ Market!!!

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