How to Prevent Respiratory Illnesses, Coughs, Colds (RSV)


Hi, I am hearing that there is some respiratory illness going on right now, and it is somehow predicted to be bad this season. I wanted to write to tell you about these preventives to make all of us “bad hosts” – which in this case is a GOOD THING! Most of this list includes natural food nutrition (vitamins power!) and herbal medicine. It also includes homeopathy/homeopathic list below for prevention beforehand.Yay!

Vitamin C foods (fruit or vegetables eaten UNCOOKED), cod liver oil*, butter^ (all fat feeds the lymph system, and this one has vitamin A, B series & D in it), other saturated fats (unless your doctor said “no”), yellow fruits and vegetables for vitamin A (sweet potato, cantaloupe), tiny salad shrimp (vitamin D), grass-fed pork lard (vitamin D), raw cabbage (vitamin C) in fish tacos,


Try also eating fresh garlic (give hummus, fresh or jarred pesto, Italian dishes, baked garlic), fresh salsa (vitamin C, garlic), guacamole (fresh tomato and garlic), coconut oil (use to cook – antiviral and antibacterial), Italian herbs (thyme, rosemary, basil, marjoram, sage), onions in any form (green, red?), lemon balm herb tea (avoid with heart meds or issues), turmeric, ginger

Chicken broth with some or all of these: garlic, onions, leeks, Italian herbs, butter, ginger, turmeric, carrot (vitamin A)

Fermented foods, especially kimchee and other raw cabbage and garlic. Could do probiotics, too. (Start with low numbers of bacteria and work up. Talk to your doctor if you are already on medications or have ill-health.)
The Koreans did not get MERS and SARS as was predicted a few years ago because they made themselves bad hosts by eating fermented foods.

Talk to your pediatrician if you have a baby. They may need you to suction out their thick nose mucus, which they hate, in order to nurse/feed. (must hurt)

Use steam around sick person – sit in bathroom next to a running shower. Put humidifier under table with tablecloth over. (Some people seem worse with this)

Seniorsworking out with arms wide (bench press) can make lungs larger, which can give more lung capacity. May also help side rib muscles be stronger for coughing. (can’t recall where I learned this cool thing)

Extra sleep

Magnesium and vitamin D simply because these two are common deficiencies. Vitamin D involves immunity.

These homeopathy remedies can be used for prevention, and they do not conflict with any meds. This list and the helpful slides below came from a Boiron presentation in Nov. 2022:

Homeopathic Remedies:

This information came form a Boiron online meeting in Nov. 2022, presented by Youngran Chung, MD, Pediatric Pulmonologist. See the slide photos for directions for preventative doses.

During a cold, try to match the cold with the remedy symptoms listed on the slide, and use that remedy. In giving remedies, you should see some improvement in a day or two. If you don’t, change the remedy. If you create new symptoms after using the homeopathy pellets, stop use. You are then testing the remedy, and it is not a good match for you. Use one homeopathic remedy at a time.

These photos/slides below also have homeopathy remedies for recovery after respiratory illness. I feel like this is really helpful. See the very last photo below.

Homeopathy is available at health food stores, and does not conflict with any medications. (Don’t use these substances in any other form except for homeopathic from the health food store.)

**I created a chart for homeopathic cold and flu home care that is downloadable (find here at my website, or on Etsy). Some people prefer to use the printed and laminated chart, which can have symptoms circled with a write-on, wipe-off marker (find here at my Square site, or on Etsy). [This product supports my modest livelihood.] [I am having trouble with my shopping cart. Try the Square link or Etsy.]

*Oscillococcinum – I really like this at the start of anything that looks like flu, but colds too. You can use just a few pellets from one vial preventatively. The directions say to take all of one vial repeatedly over the day for a new cold or flu.

Influenzium – I really like using this as prevention for flu virus. The preventative dose can be 1 to 2 pellets per month of one of these. [This was not part of the Boiron presentation.]

Antimonium tartaricum – see the photos below for the matching symptoms for each remedy
Ipecac (the homeopathic version does not cause vomiting)
Carbo vegetabilis
Kali bichromicum
Hepar sulph

Dose- Homeopathic Remedies for Coughs/Colds

If 9c is not available – go up or down –
Blatta orientalis and Ipecac- use 6c – if 9c unavailable (remember – homeopathy remedy only)
Antimonium tar.- Boiron suggesting using 30c if 9c is unavailable.

I do NOT recommend the Boiron Cold Care, which combines multiple remedies. I ended up making my cold worse by testing remedies that I didn’t need for my cold.

More Homeopathic Remedies for Coughs/RSV/Respiratory Illness:

I also really like Drosera and Spongia tosta for spastic cough that causes vomiting, even when there is nothing left in the stomach. I gave Drosera once, and I didn’t even have time to rinse the mouth. There were so many spasms with the cough, and the wretching went on and one. The vomiting stopped immediately, and the stomach spasms ending within a minute and a half. Amazing! (My spell check kept trying to change “tosta” above to “tostadas.”

The homeopathic remedy Kali bichromicum (“bich” for short, pronounced “bick”) is indicated with yellow snot that hangs down from the nose nostrils like candle shapes. The Boiron presentation talks about its use with “bronchitis, thick mucus.”


  • Medicines that stop mucus and cold symptoms. They make the cold worse by stopping the body from flushing bacteria out. Then the body has to catch up. How? With more mucus production!
  • sugar in all forms – lowers immunity
  • all nighters
  • negativity in all forms
  • all vegetable oils except olive – they are bad news
  • do less/no milk and cream – can worsen phlegm

On my slides below, I really like the ones with names ending in -49 and -55.

Youngran Chung, MD, Pediatric Pulmonologist

Watch the full Boiron presentation with Dr. Chung here*:*

Download the Boiron slides from Dr. Bichrum Chung here:

Good luck and good health,

Diana Sproul,
Transform Health

** avoid cod liver oil if on any medications for heart or blood pressure, or blood thinners. It lowers blood pressure, which can be bad if someone is already balanced by medications.

^ avoid vegetable oil

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