Transform Health Health Information How to Protect Your Land Ownership Forever, Business (And Opt Out of Property Taxes)

How to Protect Your Land Ownership Forever, Business (And Opt Out of Property Taxes)

What is the problem? The World Economic Forum has the goal for us to “Not own anything and be happy.” Seniors can lose homes paid-off from a lifetime of their hard work, simply because rising property taxes make it impossible to pay the property tax. Your heirs may not get to enjoy the house and land that you own. In Los Angeles, CA, property taxes are supposed to be limited. They have jumped form the $2K level to $4K level in the last few years. That’s a lot of money for a senior!! Let’s opt out instead– You can put your business and land or home property into a “PMA” to protect our assets forever.

You can put your house into a Private Ministerial Association or a Private Managerial Association (both called a PMA). This opts a person out of property taxes forever that could potentially cause someone to lose a paid-off home. An attorney can help you set this up.

The Ministerial version of the PMA is the strongest, and has nothing to do with religion. It also says that we are going to opt out of all local and state laws, and do things our way.

Exemption from Crazy Bureaucratic Rules for Businesses

You can also put a business into a PMA, too. It’s like creating a membership for all customers and clients, that opts out of all local and state rules.

For instance, masks over our faces do not prevent illness nor covid. Other businesses were forced to have a flow of traffic with stupid arrows on the ground. What happened when they didn’t have the room to have six feet between people, or establish a flow? So many small businesses simply closed or could not survive economically due to all the rules for small businesses. But don’t worry – the box box stores that have online ordering made an economic killing during the COVID lockdowns. We’re talking millions of extra profit to companies like Amazon, Walmart, Target and Google!

If you had a business in a PMA, you simply would not follow those rules in your establishment. The health board (appointed, not elected), city officials, county officials, possibly police and everyone else would NOT be able to close your business down.

Another method is to place your land into a permanent, forever, land grant, so that you can actually pass your land down to your heirs.

There is a modern-day mystic from Russia that is trying to get people onto permanent homesteads, with intergenerational families. Her name is Anastasia. Check out the first book of a series called Anastasia by Megre. (Check your library first)

Link to Anastasia course about permanent land grants in the US.
Try this new class at this link here.

There are a few other PMA forms, too. One is educational, I believe. Find a local attorney who can set it up for you.

Good luck with everything!

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