Learn from the “World Without Cancer” Documentary

I had the great opportunity to view the amazing information in the World Without Cancer documentary and another speech by a doctor. It talks about a little-known vitamin called vitamin B17 (which may also go by the name Laetrile, or Amygdalin, or Nitrilosides), its dubious laboratory testing and results, where to find it in common foods, and more.

These two films (the documentary and the doctor’s speech) were both really amazing. In the 1970 film, one of four people had cancer.

They talked about the existence of something called Nitrilosides in some common foods. These are rich in rich in vitamin B17. Many societies used to eat natural foods that were high in nitrilosides: 1) the Hunajurts commonly ate apricots and their seeds, which was how they measured wealth. Their diet included two hundred times the amount of nitrilosides that normal people usually eat.

2) The Inuit (formerly called Eskimos) had a diet rich in nitrilosides from eating caribou and other grazing animals, salmon, and berries.

3) The Hopi Native Americans in the Southwest US had a rich diet of vitamin B17 foods.

Apparently, cancer cells are like normal cells. And humans make them all the time. So when we get cancer, it’s not a problem related to making the cells, but getting rid of those cells.

Dr. John Beard said that we have 80% of cells called trophoblasts in our ovaries and testes (the reproduction areas). The other 20% of trophblast cells are all over the body. It is thought that they help repair the body, with estrogen.

Normal cells (called total life cells) plus estrogen = cells become cancerous.

How nature controls trophoblasts: with White Blood cells (WBC’s). The thin protein coating on trophoblasts is negative, and repels white blood cells. (They can’t see the cells –)

Tripsin from the pancreas breaks open the cell, and then the white blood cells clean up the cancer cells.

The film talks about trophoblasts growing rampant in fetuses until about eight weeks in utero – when the pancreas starts releasing tripsin. This is thought to stop the growth. (And diabetics have low pancreas function – so low tripsin amounts are made – so the cancer risk is tripled in diabetics!)

Dr. Krebs discovered vitamin B17, which he named Amygdalin. He developed Laetrile from it (and I am not sure how this is a derivative of the main vitamin. I hope to clarify soon.)

This vitamin B17 contains cyanide and benzalahide, two things that can kill off cells, also known as “cytotoxic.” Normally, this cyanide and benzalahide are locked up in the food. These substances allegedly travel around in the blood stream in a “bound-up state” until they run into a cancer cell. Then an enzyme unlocks these two cell toxic substances right in front of the unhealthy cancer cell, killing it. It’s a cancer cell “timer”! The cyanide and benzalahide are not poisonous to normal cells.

So this film claims a crazy and amazing theory: that the real cause of cancer is actually malnutrition! It claims that deficiency of vitamin B17 + prolonged stress and any cell damage + estrogen being around to repair the body equals cancer. Simply a lack of vitamin B17 in the diet plus these other factors can result in more cancer cells. And we see that excess estrogen (found in soy, hops in beer) plus cell damage can also cause it.

Then the film stated that these are also important: other enzymes, pH of the body, oxygen, body temp and other vitamins.

So the film recommended eating foods rich in vitamins and minerals – good advice at any time for health.

Dr. Dean Burke recommended adding laetrile (vitamin B17 foods) to our everyday diets to maintain good health. He claimed it was less toxic than sugar (but sugar is pretty bad stuff!). He suggested eating seeds from the B17 foods in the same amounts seen in nature in the full fruit. He said that a cup of apple seeds without the fruit could be toxic when eaten alone. But eating a few apple seeds as a person eats the full apple was somehow seen to be safer. (The right proportion?) And he said the vitamin form called Amygdalin was safe and non-toxic. (But don’t rush out to get it because it is probably banned from all health food stores – read on about the testing of this.)

Laboratory Testing of Laetrile/Amygdalin (a form of Vitamin B17)

A 1953 California (Canadian?) cancer report testing laetrile and supposedly found that it had no cytotoxic (cell killing) effects on cancer cells. This report was written by Dr. McDonald and other physicians. The film alleges that this doctor had no personal experience using it, and had previously claimed that smoking 24 cigarettes a day would stop lung cancer. (Their words, not mine –) So this documentary claims that the test results were falsified.

And then the test was done with too small an amount of the substance. They tested it by using 2 grams divided among twelve patients, instead of the 30-40 grams per patient that were needed for real testing of a substance.

And then my notes are unclear – the common treatment of cancer at that time was using radiation and strong x-rays to burn out cancer. My scratched notes say “B17 foods have nearly 100% cancer control. Can/may be healed before x-rays and radiation treatment [for cancer treatment at that time].

If the vitamin B17 deficiency progresses so far it can be hard to reverse it. In one cancer center (in San Francisco, California, I believe) there were 1000’s of records of returns to health. And yet the American Cancer Society says it is ineffective.

One man who was sick with bad cancer bought laetrile from Mexico. He took a 10 to 20 day supply in one dose (yikes! self-medicating!). He slept 36 hours from the meds and the pain. And then I think he was better (I would have to watch the film again to know if he was better, partially helped, or all the way helped here.)

The film stated that there were 1000’s of successful case histories at the previously mentioned cancer center. Twenty-six published medical records from doctors claimed it was “safe and effective.” Then the film named many doctors rapid-fire, including Dr. Hans Nieber (Germany, who developed another cancer drug), Dr. Bouziane (Canada), Dr. Navarro (Phillipines- published 100 papers), Dr. Contreras (Mexico), Dr. Maisin, Guidetti, Morrone, Sakai, Burk, Krebs, Richardson…. (this list is just some of them).

I think the results of taking laetrile are lower blood pressure, higher appetite, pain release without narcotics, and raised red blood cell and hemoglobin count.

Doctors in the USA must do “consensus medicine.” The treatment of cancer was surgery, x-rays (which cause cancer – yes?), and medications to burn it out. The doctors compare notes and see what percent of each thing worked.

The x-ray therapy burned out the tumors. This treatment was MORE malignant, and not helpful. And it may cause cancer spread due to the x-rays. (Less than 12 x-rays can cause cancer, the film alleges. It weakens/destroys white blood cells, alters cells, and more.)

Cancer drug medications are also bad as they mimic the radiation treatment. They help spread the cancer all over the body to every cell – “mestatesize.”

Then the film showed this graph with treatment with laetrile vs. orthodox treatment with radiation, x-rays and burning medications:

I have a lump, so I decided to try the food versions of laetrile or B17. I did see some positive results like a regrowth of gum tissue from eating sprouted mung beans. This may have just given me more vitamin C than normal, though. I can’t eat many raw vegetables, and only some fruits.

I also tried eating the inner seed of apricots, nectarines or plums, which are supposed to be toxic, but were listed in the documentary. I was eating 1/2 to 1 per day. (This is probably not enough for a real trial.) Know that they are super bitter, too – it’s difficult to eat one. I gave myself diarrhea, and sometimes a stomach ache, too. To open them,, i wrapped the pit into a towel and smashed it with the side of a hammer.

I also tried eating a few apple seeds with each apple. They are pretty bitter! If you try this, don’t eat it at the end of the apple – try to have them earlier so that you can go back to the sweet apple part.

After about a month and a half, the lump may have been a hair smaller, but it’s hard to tell definitively. (There’s a lot of wishful thinking over here! I am my own guinea pig!) I can’t say how much, or if it was indeed smaller. It definitely was not gone (my end goal).

Why not include some of these foods into your menu, simply for variety, and to get more vitamins. Dr. Terry Wahls says that great variety helps turn off the switches that cause disease (also called epigenetic). You may eat the ones that aren’t the inner fruit pit seeds – you could eat spinach, grapes, sweet potato, nuts, buckwheat, sorghum…

Other B17/Amygdalin foods from these unconfirmed internet sources were here, here.

This nutrient is naturally found in over 1200 different foods.

Raw nuts: raw macadamia nuts, bitter raw almonds [most kinds today are “sweet” variety. I saw the bitter kinds on sale online, and there are some jarred or canned varieties that include the pits. Remember that the small seed is inside the large outer pit, and that it is super, super bitter.].

Vegetables: bean sprouts, carrots, celery, mung beans, beet greens, lima beans, butter beans, spinach, alfalfa, watercress and bamboo shoots.

These seed grains: buckwheat, millet, flaxseeds, sorghum, barley. (I think you may want to soak all of these before use, like the traditional food preparation methods for grains and beans. Beans – water alone for 8 hours or overnight. Grains – same but add 2 TB food acid (cider vinegar, lemon juice, whey) to the mix. Drain, rinse, cook in fresh water.)

The kernel of the pit of many fruits such as apples, plums, apricots, cherries and pears.

While many foods contain B17, different foods contain different amounts of Amygdalin. For example lentils do contain some amount of B17 it is a very small amount and is often processed out before you eat it. The kernels of stone fruits like peaches and apricots contain high concentrations of Vitamin B17 and remain intact due to the protective container of the seeds.

Quote from the website: “As with most nutrients the best way to include them into your diet is eating them in the whole food form. Try eating fresh unprocessed produce every day.”

Wild Blackberry High Levels
Boysenberry Medium Levels
Elderberry Medium To High Levels
Mulberry Medium Levels
Apple Seeds High Levels
Apricot Seed High Levels
Cherry Seed High Levels
Peach Seed High Levels
Pear Seeds High Levels
Plum Seed High Levels
Prune Seed High Levels
Fava Beans High Levels
Black Beans Low Levels
Garbanzo Low To Medium Levels
Green Pea Low Levels
Lentils Medium Levels
Bitter Raw Almonds High Levels
Alfalfa Medium Levels
Beet Tops Low Levels
Cassava High Levels
Sweet Potato Low Levels
Crab Apple High
Swedish Lingon Berry High

From PubMed (here), I believe: “The chemical composition of U.S.-patented Laetrile (mandelonitrile-beta-glucuronide), a semisynthetic derivative of amygdalin, is different from the laetrile/amygdalin produced in Mexico (mandelonitrile beta-D-gentiobioside), which is made from crushed apricot pits.” (Mexican source is more natural)

I hope this helps you think about eating some new variety in your menu. I can’t say these foods will stop any particular disease, and my own test at a low amount was inconclusive, but I wanted to share this list with you anyway.

I you get a chance to see Dr. G. Edward Griffin’s speech at an event, or the documentary, they are really are amazing. He has a book with the same title, too: World Without Cancer.

Book cover for G. Edward Griffin’s book "World Without Cancer: The Story of Vitamin B17.” The cover is yellow on the top half, which gradates down to blue color on the lower half. Loos very 198-’s early graphic design. It has a circular picture that I can’t identify in the center. Vitamin B17 is found in foods, and is also called amygdalin or laetrile. The doctor claims that it is a cure for cancer.

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