Dr. Terry Wahls has inspired all of us with her radical approach to treating Multiple Sclerosis: through enhanced nutrition, lifestyle therapies like exercise, sleep and detoxification, and more. At first she was threatened with legal action for giving MS patients “false hope.” But those people initially skeptical in her alternative medicine work are now funding her MS medical studies, because she has come back into a good working life after being in a laying down wheelchair. She calls it the Wahls Protocol®.
I have found the Wahls Protocol® to be very helpful in modifying personal health, no matter what the condition or “ –itis”is called by Western Medicine. It very simply throws good nutrition at the problem, filling up the body’s “bucket”, and gives it the tools that it needs to work in the best way– more plentiful vitamins and minerals, more foods to help you detox, more antioxidants to get calm down free radicals.
I am a nutritionist, certified Advanced Herbalist in Clinical Medicine, and health coach. I became a practitioner with her to learn more (here’s my listing on the Dr. Terry Wahls practitioner website), as well as help my own health. I have the unique experience of also being a person with chronic illness, too, so you get real life perspective on how this new way of eating may benefit your life and long term goals.
And now you can book with me, so we can make changes in your own life and health. We will simply sit and talk together, discuss what the problems you are having, and how you would like me to help you. This will be similar to a personal interview.