Paleo Hot Chocolate Recipe (Paleo Diet, GAPS Diet, SCD Diet Legal)

Winter, cold, December, Colorado, chilly, Christmas lights, holiday, Paleo hot chocolate recope, cocoa, high protein

Cold & snowy evening: a wonderful time to make a new cocoa recipe.

On a night with blowing snow in December, I invented a newer, better for you hot chocolate recipe: Paleo Hot Chocolate Recipe with added protein! The protein comes from gelatin, made smoothe through heating. This delicious hot drink recipe also is dairy-free (non-dairy), and sugar-free. I crave dessert, but don’t want to take the “express train to diabetes-ville.” I hope you like this drink as much as I do!

cold snowy night in city, tire tracks on ground, winter, Colorado, chilly, evening

A cold, snowy city street at night

Spicy, Dairy-Free Paleo Hot Chocolate Recipe:

Total time: 10 minutes prep

Dissolve 2 TB gelatin (pastured source preferred, 24 grams protein!) into 4 TB (1/4 cup) water. Stir and let sit.

In a medium sized pan, add 1-2 TB coconut oil on low heat. Add these spices: a few shakes of ground cinnamon, 1/4 tsp ginger, 1/8 tsp cloves (go easy or it will taste like metal), 1/8 tsp fresh nutmeg, three shakes ground chipotle powder (cayenne could substitute). Stir about 30 seconds to release the spices’ fragrance.

Next add 3-4 TB cocoa powder, 1/2 can coconut milk (7 oz, use fresh for GAPS & SCD diets), and 1/4 cup water. Add gelatin and water  mixture. Bring to low-medium boil for 1-2 minutes. Take off heat, add 1/4 tsp vanilla and 2-5 drops Now brand Better Stevia (one stevia that isn’t bitter and chemically). Now serve end enjoy! Super good! Here’s a video of the finished product.

This hot cocoa drink recipe is non-dairy/dairy-free, as well as legal for the GAPS and SCD diets if you use fresh coconut milk from the nut. It’s great for anyone on the Paleo or Primal diet lifestyle, who desires some fat and fun, along with the protein, without the normal sugar yo-yo.

Blood Sugar Reaction:
Anything tasting sweet on the tongue does cause an insulin release, because everything in nature that tastes sweet has natural sugar in it. This recipe may cause your blood sugar to fall as the body reacts to a sweet taste that doesn’t include sugar. I believe this is better that raising it and lowering it again and again like a yo-yo, as we often do from eating muffins and desserts.

But 24 grams of protein, plus the brain-healthy lauric acid in coconut milk are definite plusses!

I don’t want to ingest sugar that will tip over blood sugar, but also cause artery-dangerous insulin release, as the body responds to sugar. This is thought to be real cause of heart diseased cholesterol deposits – our body is trying desperately to protect itself from insulin.

Most sugar forms (except honey) can also feed gut bacteria. This can be a problem if any of them are bad or overgrown, as after antibiotics use.

If you enjoyed this Paleo Hot Chocolate recipe, please Share it with your friends, using the social media buttons below. And let me know what you think in the Comments below.

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