This Pureed Cauliflower recipe is a fantastic side dish, and great snack, too. This vegetable tastes completely different (better!) when pureed and flavored with seasonings, than its normal cooked and raw flavor. Cauliflower has many health benefits, too – it is a high-sulfur vegetable, which helps liver detoxification. It’s also delicious both hot and cold. And it’s a legal recipe for many special diets (Paleo, GAPS, SCD) with the modifications below. But know that gourmands like yourself aren’t limited to just this recipe. Try out these new different variations from the basic Pureed Cauliflower free recipe.
Cauliflower Purée Recipe
by Diana Sproul at Transform Health
- 1 head cauliflower
- 2-3 TB healthy fats (grass fed butter, olive oil, palm oil, coconut oil, grass-fed meat fat)
- broth – homemade chicken stock preferred
- spices: sea salt, oregano, turmeric, cumin
Hot Pureed Cauliflower Recipe Directions:
Heat a large pot of water (you can start with water heated in a kettle). Add sea salt to the water to help it boil at a hotter temperature (this is especially important at high altitudes).
Cut up a whole head of cauliflower, removing leaves and the central stem. Chop it into 1/2-1” pieces. Don’t worry about cutting it neatly, since it will be puréed.
When the water is near-boiling, add the cauliflower. Return to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer for 13-16 minutes. Cook until just shy of fork tender, but not mushy.
Drain. Cool for a few minutes in a pot. Put the cooked cauliflower into food processor. Add 1/3-1/2 cup soup stock (chicken or beef), 1-3 TB healthy fats, sea salt to taste, 1 tsp dried oregano, 1 TB turmeric, 1/2 tsp cumin. Blend until smooth. You can add more stock or water if it has trouble blending. (Turmeric may be helpful for anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties.)
Recipe Modifications
- Omit cumin or turmeric
- Add cooked carrot, powdered dried thyme, and chicken broth (as in the top photo)
- Add raw spinach
- Add fresh basil
- Add bacon fat (grassfed preferred)
- Bacon bits (sugar free bacon for all special diets)
- Add black pepper (may omit for digestive issues)
- Pan drippings from baked chicken or beef (does raise Omega 6 if normal grain & bean-fed diet)
- Cheddar or parmesan (grassfed preferred)
- Try other colors of cauliflower – purple or yellow
- Chili spices (omit if not doing nightshades)
Recipe Fail Mods:
- Cilantro (Not sure why it was awful– I like cilantro. It just didn’t taste good.)
I hope you enjoy this new recipe for a healthy vegetable side dish. I’ve really liked it these past years, even for a creamy addition to breakfast. (I know, I’m weird!)
This recipe is legal for Paleo, GAPS and SCD diets if you omit the cheeses. Consider whether you can do the black pepper.
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