Thank you for supporting my work!
I offer online courses, webinars, Homeopathic charts, herbal teas, ebooks, downloadable lists for hidden food allergens in menus, herbal salves, other herbal products, and a French lesson for sale!
If you’d like personal health coaching session from me, a nutritionist, herbalist, and health coach, please contact me via this page.
Thank you for supporting my health work!
Online Webinar: What is the immune system? How does it work? What vitamins, habits, herbs and foods raise and lower immune system function? You’ll be given information about all of these, with resources to learn more.
This short presentation lasts about 1 hour, with 15 minutes for chat questions. The webinar includes visual graphics and audio. Available for a limited time.Only $11.99
And the first 80 people to order can get a discount– use this code “80onSale”
(Button will be live soon)
Cold and Flu Homeopathic Remedy Charts: These 4 sheets list cold & flu symptoms related to 16 homeopathic remedies. Circle any symptoms that match the ill person under these categories: strange/rare/peculiar, onset speed, eyes, nose, cough, sneezing, mouth & throat, cough, mood… Read more at this page.
Buy the Digital Download:
Buy the laminated 4 sheet set:
(If the link just above does not work (no price, no PayPal button), purchase via Etsy at this link instead.)
First Aid Homeopathy Guide/Chart
Guides people through basic homeopathic First Aid Care for home and travel injuries. Two sides. Handy for anytime you are away from normal medical care, like travel, hiking, camping, boating, hunting, fishing, and other wilderness fun. Contains treatment guides for these conditions:
• Black eye
• Bleeding/hemorrhage
• Boils
• Broken bones
• Bruise-in tailbone (in coccyx)
• Bruises (also called contusions)
• Burns -1st and 2nd degree
Read more at each this product page.
For First Aid digital download, click below:
For First Aid printed and laminated, physical product, click below:
Online Course: Raising Your Immunity Through Healthy Lifestyle Practices
Learn about using natural health methods: vitamins, herbal medicine, supplements, foods, ferments, probiotics and healthy lifestyle practices like sleep and the right amount of exercise. Learn about innate & adaptive immunity. (And I hope to offer more in the coming months, too.)
I have several ebooks for sale online:
Healing Your Child’s Digestive Health (helping to avoid constipation and other problems through real food)
Baby Sign Language: Learn 30 Signs Now (American Sign Language)s
Six Sources of Healthier Fats, The Omega 3 to 6 Balance, and Why You Care
Avoid Soybean in Foods, A Common Allergen
I have listed many of these foods that have added soy, including some Fast Foods and chocolate. You can add this downloadable PDF to your cell phone, to take with you to restaurants.
Avoiding soy is important because it contains estrogen which can tip people’s hormones, is genetically modified (95%), and bad for farming & pollinators on the planet. Has internal links from a table of contents to lower down in the list.
Do you struggle with losing weight or being healthy in general? I am a nutritionist, health coach and herbalist. I created this Low Carb Meal Plan to help you eat healthier. Half the battle is just knowing what to eat, and changing our ingrained ideas of meals– this plan explains what to do. This 6 page PDF file can be sent to your phone to take with you to restaurants, or read by any ebook reader. It includes a Goals section, Snack ideas, and suggestions for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner.
Dairy Food Allergy List- Hidden Under Other Names, Digital Download
I LOVE eating out! And yet, it can be really hard to have dairy allergy or intolerance, and try to eat out at restaurants. I created this list to help you KNOW what is in the food you are eating, so that you can avoid problems.
This list has about different cuisines (British, French, Italian, East Indian), and also categories like chocolate, sauces, desserts, cakes, appetizers.There are so many words about FOOD, and sometimes dairy is lurking back there. But I’ve got your back with this handy, digital downloadable list. It’s a PDF file.
Includes a table of contents at the top, with clickable bookmarks throughout for easier navigation.
More Herbal Medicine Products:
Check out my custom herbal teas, Yarrow salve, custom lotion bars for either moistening or cuts and scrapes, and more.
Learn to speak French with this beginning language lesson. Don’t get tripped up by grammar and reading. This digital download file lasts 21 minutes and covers greetings, pronouns (I, you, we), the verb for “have”, yes, no, cat, dog. You can put this file on your phone or music library, and play it while in the car, cafe, or airport.
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