Transform Health Gardening,Health Information,Just for Fun!,Plants and Gardens in Northern Colorado,Spirituality Spiritual Gardening With Nature Spirits & Devas: The Amazing Perelandra Garden

Spiritual Gardening With Nature Spirits & Devas: The Amazing Perelandra Garden

book jacket with title Behaving As If The God In All Life Mattered, by author Machaella Small Wright, how to garden with devas and nature spirits, spiritual gardening, how to grow vegetables in winter, how to crop food crops quickly

I just read the most amazing book, Behaving As If the God in All Life Mattered. After reading about the Findhorn Garden in Scotland, the author, Machaelle Small Wright, detailed her spiritual gardening work with the Devas and Nature Spirits on her own land: Perelandra. Learn more about how we can do these miracles: growing for the benefit of the land, raising up carrot sprouts quickly (in ten minutes) where there were NO seeds planted, and growing crops in Winter time (with no greenhouse or plant protection).

book jacket with title Behaving As If The God In All Life Mattered, by author Machaella Small Wright, how to garden with devas and nature spirits, spiritual gardening, how to grow vegetables in winter, how to crop food crops quickly

The Findhorn Garden: Gardening with Devas and Nature Spirits

This Scottish garden grew impossibly big and lush fruits and vegetable by working with the spirits of the land, called Devas, and Nature Spirits. The soil itself was sanding and rocky and very poor. (I haven’t read the book yet, but it sounded very interesting.) The link in the header just above goes to the foundation page. There are also many great photos here.

Grow Vegetables Very Quickly

She had tomato and carrot seeds sprout in only ten minutes, and grow to six inches! She was in conference with the Devas or Nature Spirits, and asked if she could plant carrots only for garden balance, without intending to eat them.

Ms. Small Wright of the Perelandra garden said that the Devas controlled the plan of the garden, consulted with her through meditation, and I think, sought balance in nature. (For instance, the plan was in a circular form with sections radiating out from the center.) The Nature Spirits brought down the energy of carrots and other plants from the energy plane, and helped them to materialize on this plane. (This is a rough quote two months after reading it, so please forgive me if this isn’t perfectly accurate.)

The Amazing Carrots

The author planted carrot seeds in one area to balance the garden plan. Within only a few minutes, there were three inch seedlings in her area, where the seeds had been planted, but also all over the entire garden– where there were no seeds. She thought this was the equivalent of a joke, and got a little mad. “No, just here,” she said, pointing to where the seeds had been planted. All of the other seedlings fell over, and then the carrot sprouts in her intended patch were then six inches high.

Making Requests of Devas and Nature Spirits

The author talked with the Devas about the cutting down of a leaning tree, that threatened other living trees. She was told that they had to cut it very specifically to get it to fall without hurting anything. The author’s husband yelled, “No! Four feet to the left!” Crash! He was able to direct the falling of a tree four feet over, as it was falling, by talking with them.

Then the author, who was sleeping in bed, felt like she received a kiss on the cheek. She felt that they had both passed a test by believing in these spiritual beings and working with them.

Worms: They Leave and Return

In another instance, she was digging in an area and kept cutting through many worms. She felt really bad, and worms really help garden soil. She said to the area, frustrated, “I’m going away for ten minutes. Could all the worms in this area please leave within ten minutes? Then I’ll be back to dig.”

Ten minutes later, there were no more cut up worms on her shovel. Before they had been thick all over. When she was done, she invited all the worms to return, and they did.

Growing Vegetable Crops During Cold Weather

The author was told to plant warm weather vegetables very early, while there was still snow on the ground. She followed the advice, and the vegetable plants grew just fine with snow on the ground, cold nights, and zero protection from any greenhouse or plastic. (These were tomatoes, I think, which like Summer weather.)

This was such an interesting book, and I highly recommend it, especially to anyone who enjoys gardening, as I do.

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If you liked this post, you might like my video and audio podcasts about Plant Spirit Medicine. The quality isn’t great (I’ll admit), but the topic is fascinating! See my clickable podcast links here, and search for Plant Spirit Medicine part 1.

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