Health Podcast Sponsorship Advertising Opportunity

US herbalist, US health coach, US nutritionist, United States herbalist, United States nutritionist, United States health coach, iTunes podcast cover photo for Transform Health company, iTunes podcast cover image for Transform Health company, health educator Diana Sproul, herbalist Diana Sproul, nutritionist Diana Sproul, healer Diana Sproul, Loveland Colorado herbalist, Loveland Colorado nutritionist, Loveland Colorado herbalist

I am now accepting applications for health-focused corporate sponsors for my video and audio podcasts. I will share with you a bit about my education, degrees, health knowledge, video and film experience, and video podcast reach via social media and all podcasting channels. My experience is in nutrition, special diets for digestion, Advanced Clinical Herbalism / herbal medicine, health coaching, and homeopathy.

I earned an Advanced Clinical Herbalism Certificate from the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism in 2015. I also hold a Bachelor of Arts degree (more below). 

I have worked as a nutritionist, health coach and herbalist in northern Colorado, for a decade. My company is Transform Health (this website). I also studied with Dr. Terry Wahls, learned her modified Paleo diet, and became a health coach with her program. She was able to leave a lying down wheelchair with MS, and return to working (still with MS). 

I am also two years into studying to become a professional homeopath.

A lot of my education has been due to researching my own chronic ill health for roughly 15 years, which turned out to be mainly problems with the food system (genetically modified foods and pesticides), not me. I had mold and chronic fatigue. I have digestive issues if I don’t carefully choose a beneficial food source.

Nutrition Topics

I am familiar with nutrient dense eating, Paleo diet, GAPS and SCD diets for digestive issues, the Autoimmune Paleo Diet, Weston A. Price (grassfed meat, dairy, eggs, fats, vitamin D & K), Pottenger (similar to Price, cat reproduction study), Dr. Terry Wahls’ diet to fix MS and many other things (a form of Paleo, very effective), Howell’s enzyme book, Nourishing Traditions book, Wise Traditions conferences from the Weston Price Foundation, making bone and meat broth, soaking grains, beans and nuts; healing with light and cold lasers, the current problems with the food and water supply (the base food and water are not safe for children), the problems with vegetable oils, health politics, medical freedom, vaccines.

Platform & Social Media Reach

I publish podcasts in video and audio formats on over 25 platforms, including the list just below. My videos have been viewed over 31,000 times, and have longevity: there is no expiration for any video posted. This makes it into long term SEO for your company. (See Clickable links to major podcast channels.)

I also post audio versions of every video, too, to reach audio-only and low-bandwidth audiences.

Amazon Music
iHeart Radio
Player FM
Podcast Page

In my health work I have 1103 subscribers following my work on all platforms, email newsletter and more.

I have an email newsletter with a 40% most recent open rate, and a usual open rate of 25-30%. I post regularly on X (Twitter), Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube, and formerly on MeWe and Pandora. I create Live Stream videos on You Tube, too.

Video Topics

I have created and published videos about recipes with herbs, an author interview with Sandor Katz, info about gluten free foods that contain wheat, instructions for detoxing, why it is important to avoid heating plastics, a short video about Royal Rife’s microscope that could see bacteria and viruses (and then destroy them with sound), how to lower inflammation, four lectures about Plant Spirit Medicine (herbs/plants have consciousness), post-antibiotic recovery and rebuilding of the microbiome, why its important to soak beans and grains, why natural vitamin B series vitamins are better, an interview with Leigh Dundas (CA human rights attorney and spitfire) and more.


I earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Radio and Television from San Diego State University, CA, USA. The degree included communications, advertising, writing scripts for television and film. I also worked on television programs, films and commercials from 1992-1999, shooting video and working mainly as a camera assistant on film projects. More recently I have been creating podcasts and live stream videos.

I studied graphics and website design at UCLA. 

I have experience podcasting, email marketing, graphic design, creating and publishing videos, website design, social media marketing, creating backlinks, some SEO and Facebook ads. I have a degree and skills in photography, video, television and film.

Video Podcast Sponsorship Rates

Sponsorship at $750 benefits your company with inclusion in two videos that will have great longevity in the health field. I would present your graphic logo and a voiceover audio mention with your advertising words and website. If you wish to present your own audio or video file with a thirty second length, you may do that.

Ready to get started?

Then contact me today via this Contact page.

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