Winter and Holiday Fun Around Fort Collins and Denver

A woman reaching for a holiday glass ball with lots of twinkly lights during a Winter German market called Christkindl, Denver, Colorado.

There’s a lot of fun local Winter events around Fort Collins, Loveland and Denver this holiday season, starting this November through the New Year. Have fun with friends and family all over northern Colorado!

The Mishawaka concert venue in Poudre Canyon will be having their Fall Mishawaka Maker’s Market of holiday items and more on Saturday, Nov. 9th. The event will be cash only, with an ATM on site. Parking is FREE for this event and will be held in the SpokesBuzz Lounge. For more info, see their website:

herbal teas for sale, organic herb products for sale, custom herbal mixtures for sale, plant medicine as tea, custom herbal teas Fort Collins Colorado, custom herbal teas Loveland Colorado
Selling herbal teas at local Colorado fairs.

The Fort Collins Winter Farmer’s Market starts Nov. 16th, and I’ll be there selling herbal teas with names like Soothing Herbal Formula and I’m Sick Tea, among other fun things.

I’m Sick Tea for Colds and Flus. herbal tea for colds and flus for sale in Fort Collins Colorado, antibacterial herbal tea fort collins Colorado, antiviral herbal tea Fort Collins Colorado
I’m Sick Tea: a blend of herbal antibacterial and antiviral herbs.

The Fort Collins Winter Farmer’s Market will be held at its temporary location at the Masonic Temple, see link for address. From January 11th on, the market moves back to the Opera Galleria location. Find out more at this downtown Fort Collins website with info about the Winter Farmer’s Market website.

Featuring “créche scenes and light celebrations from around the world.”

On November 16th (11am-5pm), see Celebration of Nativities and Light, a museum exhibit featuring “créche scenes and light celebrations from around the world.” The exhibit runs through Feb. 22, 2020 at the Global Village Museum in downtown Fort Collins, Colorado, at 200 W. Mountain Ave. Read more about the Celebration of Nativities and Light exhibit here.

The newly expanded Garden of Lights show at The Gardens on Spring Creek.

The Gardens on Spring Creek in Fort Collins is ready to celebrate its Grand Opening on Saturday, November 16 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The new buildings show a concert venue and construction of a permanent Butterfly House (Fort Collins). From 10am on, regular admission prices (read) will be charged for this non-profit venue, which includes the Butterfly House. And don’t miss their holiday light show, Garden of Lights from Dec. 13th-29th. It’s expanded this year!! Read more about the The Gardens on Spring Creek in Fort Collins here or the Fort Collins’ Butterfly House here.

Butterflies are now at the new Butterfly House, at the Gardens on Spring Creek, Fort Collins, Colorado.

Hear a free concert at this Trumpet Studio Recital, Nov. 18th, 6-7:30pm. Held at the Organ Recital Hall, in mid-Fort Collins, at the University Center for the Arts. “Trumpet students of Dr. Stanley Curtis perform a variety of pieces from the standard repertoire.” Read the full Fort CollinsTrumpet Studio Recital details here.

Hear a free concert at this Guitar Studio Recital, Nov. 19th, 6-7:30pm. Held at the Organ Recital Hall, in mid-Fort Collins, at the University Center for the Arts. “CSU’s inaugural guitar studio presents a recital featuring chamber music and solo performances of contemporary works, as well as arrangements of standard classical repertoire.” Read the full Fort CollinsGuitar Studio Recital details here.

winter ice skating, kids and families skating on ice, winter fun events
Winter Ice Skating in northern Colorado (this photo is at the Foothills Mall)

Ice Skate in downtown Fort Collins for FREE Nov. 27th-Feb. 1st in the main square near Little Bird Bakeshop and Coopersmith’s Restaurant. You will need to bring your own ice skates. The ice is a “synthetic skating surface,” so if you fall, you won’t end up with wet clothes. Open Fridays- Sundays, with extended holiday hours. See all downtown Fort Collins ice skating hours here (this is a PDF file).

This Thanksgiving weekend and on into the holiday season, check out these fun Winter things to do with friends and family. Denver Union Station will have a special light show called Illumination. The Denver City and County Building will be lit up in many colors, too. Read about the Denver Illumination holiday lights show and City and County Building light show here.

Greeley celebrates a Festival of Trees starting Thanksgiving weekend for about a week. Hosted at the Union Colony Civic Center, this events showcases a forest of magnificently decorated, individually-themed trees. This Colorado event is on Nov. 29th-Dec. 7th. Read more about Greeley’s Festival of Trees here.

Denver Zoo Lights Winter holiday display, in Denver Colorado. Three lighted elephant forms, with the one on the left spraying the two elephants on the right. Three people are seen in silhouette in the foreground.
Denver Zoo Lights display, Winter holidays, Colorado.
Denver Zoo Lights Winter holiday display, in Denver Colorado. The trees appear turquoise and purple with small twinkly holiday lights all over. There are water reflections in a pond in the foreground.
Denver Zoo Lights display, Winter holidays, Colorado.

The Denver Zoo will have Zoo Lights showing “illuminated animal sculptures that swing through trees, jump across lawns hide in bushes and appear in places where they’re least expected” over their 70 acres from Nov. 29th-Dec. 30th. Read more about Denver’s Zoo Lights event here.

This article is Part 1 of two articles. Read the Second article about fun Fort Collins and Denver, Colorado, Winter and holiday events here.

That’s it for now! I hope you enjoy this feast for the 2019 Winter Holiday senses! Enjoy your time with family and friends at these Fort Collins, Golden and Denver events!

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